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首页 绘画艺术 《旧品位,老时光》

对于时尚界来说,50's 年代是一个时尚精神的伊甸园,无论时光如何流转,而这个年代的气质,令人永远怀念,并且在心中完美呵护。

Elizabeth Taylor in ‘Suddenly Last Summer’, 1959.

Marilyn Monroe, 1956

Model wearing an evening gown by Christian Dior ,1951.

Girl on a Ford, 1950s.

Sophia Loren in London, 1958.

Grace Kelly

R.I.P. Lauren Bacall September

Dovima in the Simplicity Summer Pattern Book 1952

Dovima wearing a shirtwaist dress by Kay Windsor, 1957

Dorian Leigh wearing an ensemble by Jacques Griffe, Paris, 1957. Photo by Georges Dambier.

Fashion at the art gallery, 1950

Audrey Hepburn on the set of ‘Sabrina’, 1954.

1956 evening wear.

Waitresses at the Berlin Hilton, 1958. Photo by F.C. Gundlach.

Photo by Karen Radkai for Vogue, December 1956.

Anne Gunning wearing an evening gown and coat by Sybil Connolly, Ireland, 1953. Photo by Milton Greene.

Coat fashion in Vogue, 1951.

Grace Kelly in “To Catch a Thief”, 1955.

Model wearing an ensemble by Jacques Fath, 1951. Photo by Willy Maywald.

Marilyn Monroe photographed by Milton Greene, 1956.

Marilyn Monroe, in Central Park, photographed by Sam Shaw 1957.

Carol McCarlson on the beach, St. Augustine, Florida

1950s beach leisure fashions.

Alice and Ellen Kessler, dancing sensations from Germany, Backstage in Paris, 1958. The twins are dancing alongside the Bluebell

Playboy's Miss February, Sally Todd, 1957

Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s

1960: Marilyn by Erich Hartmann for The Misfits.

Natalie Wood rehearsing her lines at home before a captive audience, 1957. Photo by Ralph Crane.

Simone D’Aillencourt wearing a polkadotted ensemble by Traina-Norell, 1959. Photo by Nina Leen.

Model wearing a white summer cocktail dress for Vogue Paris, 1952.

Suzy Parker as a young model photographed by Nina Leen, 1950.

A model reclines in a swimsuit, photographed by Loomis Dean for Life magazine, 1950.

Model wearing a Bernat knit blouse by Mirsa of Italy, 1954.

Grace Kelly and James Stewart in ‘Rear Window’, 1954.

Model in a charming sleeveless floral print dress, Italy, c.1955

Brigitte Bardot

Fashion for Glamour Magazine, December 1956.

Model wearing a blue day dress with yellow accessories, 1950s.

Anne St Marie in swimwear with accessories on the beach, 1950s.

Elsa Martinelli, Candy Tannev, and Nancy Berg all wearing Balenciaga, Paris, July 1954. Photo by Clifford Coffin.

Model with a bike and a camera photographed by Louise Dahl-Wolfe, 1952.

Fashions by Jo Collins, 1954.

Simone D’Aillencourt wearing a coat by Balenciaga with a chicken, 1959.

Model Anne St Marie, 1950s.

The Kessler Twins, 1959.

Betsy von Furstenburg and Sara Thom gossiping, 1959. Photo by Richard Rutledge.

Marilyn Monroe photographed by André de Dienes in 1949.

Swimsuit Advertisement from 1951

Young woman on the balcony, 1950s (Nina Leen)

Dress by Gay Gibson, 1950s.

Suzy Parker for Vogue, 1953.

Fashion photography by Norman Parkinson, 1952.

Evelyn Tripp for Harper’s Bazaar, January 1957.

Photo by Walde Huth(Paris, 1950s)

Fashion photography by Richard Avedon, 1957.

Twiggy on a bike.. 1960

Classic 50s summer style

Mon Oncle, 1958, directed by Jacques Tati.



Suzy Parker 1952

1956 - Model Evelyn Tripp

1951 Dovima - dress by Philip Hulitar

1951 Smoking in the pink room

Suzy Parker wearing Jean Desses


出处:2016-01-13 ART艺术共赏

栏目: 绘画艺术
2016-01-14 (

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