我们身边总能看到这样类型的学神,学习不算认真却成绩出色,学也学了,玩也玩了,不仅在学校活得多姿多彩,玩也会有个好的结果。还有一批“书呆子”学生,他们学习认真,整日泡在图书馆中。书呆子常有这样的困惑:别人不努力学习,却更有可能获得好的人生;为什么自己那么辛苦地泡在自习室,却不能得到更好的结果?就看学神如何回答书呆子。 国外“知乎”网站Quora上关于“怎样才能成为学霸?”从到的结论上看,真正的学霸都有一些共同的特质:时间规划能力强,会反思总结,目标明确,学习效率高,还有很会休息。当然最后还有一点不可或缺,就是很努力。 他们的学习方法不会适合每一个人,我们也不可能照搬他们的学习方式,但是能从他们的学习方法中有所启发,然后为自己所用,这才是学习的最高境界。 下面就看看学霸自己说自己是怎样成为学霸的吧。 一、Planning and managing your study 规划和管理好你的学习 1.Make a timetable; mine was 11 hours for study. It is first step to success. 做一个时间表:我以前是学习十一个小时。这是迈向成功的第一步。 2.Humans can concentrate for 40 minutes on a subject, or maximum 1 hour. Do change your study material/subject after every 40 minutes or 1 hour. But later on you can increase this time slowly to 2 hours. I did this. 人们可以在一个课题上花费40分钟,或者最多一个小时。在每40分钟或1个小时之后换一下你的学习材料或者科目。但之后你可以慢慢地将这个时间增加到2个小时。我就是这样做的。 3.Start time table by learning new things, after looking at the last day topics. Later chapters in books mostly have references from former ones.Learning new things at start gives you hope and makes you motivated. 回顾昨天的内容,从你的时间表开始,学习新的东西。在书上,后一章节里总是会有许多前些章节的引用。从一开始就在学习新的东西,这会给你带来希望和动力。 4.Dontstart one subject or module after the other; take a break of 5 to 10minutes. In this time eat some chocolate, fruits and vitamins. Do some sit stands and go out to look in nature and have an analog (natural phenomena) thinking to refresh. This is a right click and refresh for you on your desktop to start another application. 不要在另一个科目或模块刚结束时就立即开始新的;可以休息5到10分钟。在这个时间里,吃点巧克力、水果或者维他命。做做运动或者走出去看看大自然,为了提神,可以做一个正深处大自然的模拟(自然现象)。就好像你在桌面上打开另一个程序的时候,右键单击刷新一样。 5.Study each subject three times a day, design time table such that every subject has 3 shifts per day. 一天当中,每门科目学习三次,规划好时间表,比如:每天一门科目要学习3遍。 6.Take notes in the first shift, and rehearse them in second shift and so on. Notes should not be exact copy of the book text. 第一遍的时候,做笔记,第二遍的时候复习,以此类推。笔记不能跟书本上的原文一样。 7.Re-allocate time for your modules in timetable after every,maximum two weeks. Or take your exams after one week and re-allocate based on the exam results. 在每两个周,最多两个周之后,你就要重新分配你每个模块的时间表。或者在一周之后做做测试,根据你的测试结果重新分配。 8.Exam yourself sometime in the middle of the timetable. 在时间表的中间,也可以给自己安排个时间来测试。 9.Second day, start with looking at the topics of the last day. But never do an exam at the start of study time. Increase difficulty slowly from start to end. 第二天,从前一天的内容回顾开始。但是绝对不要学习一开始就立马做个测试。从开始到结束,慢慢增加难度。 10.Do some statistics on important and less important subjects or difficultand easy subjects and divide time with statistics methods. For example by first assigning the difficulty level to each subject like 40% and 60%etc. 先用一些数据分析方法来分析重要的内容、哪些是不太重要的内容以及难度大的内容和简单的内容,以此来规划时间。比如说,首先通过难易度像40%和60%等等那样来分配每个科目。 11.If studying something which could be easily implemented in home or lab, don‘t miss it. I, when studying biology, had tried to produce a newfamily of a tree though it was just a try and nothing resulted. I have been programming to simulate the physics concepts which helped a lot. 如果有些东西在家或者实验室里就能轻松搞定的话,千万别把它忽略了。就我来说,我攻读生物学的时候,曾经试图组建一个新的树木的科系,尽管最后那就仅仅只是个尝试而已,没有得到任何结论。我一直在编程,模拟物理概念,那帮了我很多。 二、Exam Tips 考试小窍门 1.Endpreparing for exams about one week before. Design your exams time table so that your intense preparation ends about one week before the first day of paper. 临近考试大约一周的时候,停止准备工作。规划好你的考试时间表,以便你紧张的准备工作能在第一场考试前一周就结束。 2.Tension free preparation. Inside your heart you know I have one week, as a backup. 又紧张又放松地准备。在你心里,你要清楚还余有一个星期的时间。 3.Oneweek extra preparation. The last EXTRA week is now more valuable than one month.Everything you will do in this week will be extra and very motivational for you. 额外的一星期准备工作。现在来说,最后额外的一周比一个月更有价值。在这周里面,你做的所有事情对你来说都将是格外重要的并且能使你很有动力。 4.If there is 2, 3 days break between papers, don't stick with one subject.As mentioned above it kills productive study and focus. Change study module for the sake of attaining mind focus and refreshment, at least. 如果在考试中间,还有2~3周的时间,千万别固执地复习一门科目。照着上面提到过的技巧有效率地专注复习就可以了。为了能够更专注一点,至少要换一下你的学习模式,休息一下。 5.Review your notes the day before paper. This will give you an overview of alltopics plus strengthening the memory connections for those topics. 在考试前一天复习一下你的笔记。这会让你对所有的知识点有一个概括,并且能通过联系知识点来加强你的记忆。 6.After paper is over, don’t throw the question paper into dust bin, thinking that it’s gone now. It can help your mind settle down. Read and examine how much you did correctly. 考试结束之后,不要把你的试卷丢尽垃圾桶里,只要心里想着现在都结束了就可以了。这能让你能心静下来。看一看,测一测你到底做对了多少。 7.Keep calculating marks you obtained in each paper and adding to total. It will motivate you, like we do in scoring games. 估算自己每门考试的得分,然后再加起来。这会让你更有动力,就像得分游戏里我们做的那样。 8.Don’t forget the one and only solution for refreshment and energy of mind, the exercise and healthy foods in exams. 别忘了,给我们大脑放松和充电的一个也是唯一的途径——锻炼和考试期间吃些健康的食物。 三、Miscellaneous facts 其他 1.Don't listen to love music or such type of songs. Listen to some good motivational music like "K'NAAN - WAVIN' FLAG". 不要听一些爱情类的音乐,听一些激励类的音乐。 2.Do take some time for spirituality or loneliness, for many reasons it’s important. 花点时间在精神和心理调节上。某种程度上,这很重要。 3.Play some sports or exercise, not too much. 做点运动跟锻炼,但不要做得太多。 4.Eat different things in daily life and especially in break times. 在平时尤其是早餐的时候吃点不同的食物。 5.Listen to news for some time. If learning English, listen to BBC. 抽点时间听听新闻。如果学英语的话,听听BBC。 6.Play with children, they are also learning, observe them and their interest. 可以跟小孩子们玩玩,他们也在学习,观察看看他们的兴趣是什么。 7.Do spend some time with family and share your status. 抽出点时间跟家人在一起,跟他们分享一下你的近况。 8.If possible, do have some time to teach someone. It will be best, if you can teach what you are learning yourself. 如果可能的话,抽点时间去教教别人。如果你可以教点你自己正在学的东西的话,这真真是极好的。 9.For your tasks apart from study, make a to-do list. It’s very important to lessen the distraction and burden from your mind. 把你学习中的任务分开来做,做一个待办事项列表。这对分散注意力,减轻负担来说很重要。 10.Understanding the problem, half solves it. 要清楚你所要解决的问题是什么,然后慢慢解决。 11.Imagine your success every day, imagine the future. You are investing on your future. 每天想象一下未来你成功后的样子,你正在为了你的未来努力奋斗着。 12.Spread knowledge. 分享你的所学。 13.If you note I have written number 1 for no love music, in the details, I mean we should have zero distraction outside and inside of ourselves tocreate a creative state of mind, give all your attention to study when you study! 如果你看到我写的第一条关于不要听爱情类音乐的小点子,具体来说,我的意思是我们不能因外界有任何的分心,要给自己建立一个创造性的精神状态,在你学习的时候就完全专注于学习当中! 14.Do one thing at a time. Don’t have another part of your mind allocated for the mobile phone beside, or an open Facebook tab. 一次只做一件事。不要把你的精力分散一部分在你旁边的手机或者Facebook上面。 因此京翰君觉得,在努力之前,每个人都应该先问问自己: 我努力的目标是什么?我现在所付出的努力和我的目标有因果关系吗?为了达成这个目标,真的需要我埋头学习八小时吗?这八小时里我已经全力以赴了吗? 人生不应该是充满痛苦疲劳的拉锯战,而应该是有的放矢地走走停停,你认同么? |