Photo by Shi Jianxue
前一阵忙着整理推出“中国日报2015年度国际传播图片”,倒是把12月份的月度国际传播图片给怠慢了,真是尴尬。速速补上并知会一声,以后的月度国际传播图片内容将会转到中国日报摄影部、亚洲新闻图片网的官方微信公众号“CD 国传影像”,欢迎关注,我们在那儿见。期待你的关注,也期待你的大片。
北京雾霾 2015年12月1日,北京遭遇浓重雾霾天气,望京熊猫雕塑前,一名骑车人从等待红绿灯的车辆前经过。 中国日报记者 冯永斌 摄影
A resident rides an electric bicycle across a street amid heavy smog as vehicles wait for a traffic light next to a statue of pandas, a landmark of the Wangjing area in Beijing, December 1, 2015. Feng Yongbin/ Asianewsphoto
敬礼告别 2015年12月1日,北京一警犬基地,民警向功勋警犬甜甜敬礼告别。9岁的搜爆犬甜甜参加过“9•3阅兵”等安保活动,因肿瘤移除手术后病情恶化离世。 中国日报亚洲新闻图片网 王贵彬 摄影
Policemen salute as they attend a farewell ceremony after explosive-sniffing police dog Tiantian (on the ground) died due to illness, at a police base in Beijing, December 1, 2015. Nine-year-old Tiantian, which once served as a security dog during Beijing's military parade on September 3 this year, passed away on Tuesday after a tumor-removing surgery. Wang Guibin/ Asianewsphoto
杭州大雾 2015年12月8日,浙江杭州,人们从大雾笼罩的涌金公园拱桥上走过。施健学
Visitors walk on a bridge as they visits the West Lake amid thick fog and heavy smog in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, December 8, 2015. Shi Jianxue/ Asianewsphoto
班禅坐床20年 2015年12月8日,西藏自治区日喀则市,第十一世班禅额尔德尼•确吉杰布(后左四)来到扎什伦布寺多加大院,参加班禅坐床20周年庆典活动。 中国日报亚洲新闻图片网 旦增西旦 摄影
Gyaltsen Norbu (top 4th L), the 11th Panchen Lama, arrives at a Buddhism gathering at the Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse, Tibet Autonomous Region, China, December 8, 2015. Tentsen Shinden/ Asianewsphoto
朝鲜乐团访华 2015年12月11日,北京,朝鲜功勋国家合唱团和牡丹峰乐团成员在彩排后走出国家大剧院。原定于12月12日起进行的访问演出后因故取消。 中国日报记者 魏晓昊 摄影
Members of Moranbong Band from North Korea leave the National Grand Theatre after a rehearsal session in Beijing, December 11, 2015. Wei Xiaohao/ Asianewsphoto
圣诞老人 2015年12月12日,北京,两名“圣诞老人”在一条胡同里看手机。当日,百余名“圣诞老人”齐聚一堂,迎接即将到来的圣诞节。 中国日报记者 匡林华 摄影
Participants dressed in Santa Claus costumes look at a mobile phone in front of a traditional Chinese door at a hutong, or small alley, during the SantaCon in Beijing, December 12, 2015. Dozens of people participated in the SantaCon in Beijing on Saturday to celebrate the upcoming Christmas. Kuang Linhua/ Asianewphoto
国家公祭日 2015年12月13日,第二个南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日,南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭仪式在侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆举行。 中国日报亚洲新闻图片网 崔晓 摄影
People attend a ceremony to mark the second national memorial day for the Nanjing Massacre, at the Nanjing Massacre Museum in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, December 13, 2015. Cui Xiao/Asianewsphoto
上合总理会 2015年12月15日,河南郑州,国务院总理李克强与出席上海合作组织成员国总理第十四次会议的各国领导人共同参观郑东新区城市建设。 中国日报记者 武治义 摄影
China's Premier Li Keqiang (front 2nd L) talks to Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (3rd R) as Afghanistan's Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah and other foreign leaders watch during a visit to a newly developed area of Zhengzhou on the sideline of the 14th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Prime Ministers' Meeting, in Zhengzhou, Henan province, December 15, 2015. Wu Zhiyi/ Asianewsphoto
红色雾霾预警下的北京中小学 2015年12月21日,北京景山学校,一位进行远程授课的语文老师弹奏着吉他讲解诗歌。北京启动第二个空气重污染红色预警,全市中小学、幼儿园停课,部分学校通过“数字学校”等线上教学方式保证“停课不停学”。 中国日报亚洲新闻图片网 林辉 摄影
Chinese language teacher Zhu Changsi plays a guitar as he teaches Chinese poetry through a webcam during an online course at an empty classroom of Jingshan School, on a smoggy day under a "red alert" for air pollution, in Beijing, China, December 21, 2015. Schools are recommended to close and outdoor construction is banned under "red alert" for smog. Lin Hui/Asianewsphoto
冰雪世界 2015年12月22日,黑龙江哈尔滨太阳岛雪博会园区,工作人, , 员在进行雪雕作品创作。 中国日报亚洲新闻图片网 李毅 摄影
People work on a snow sculpture at the International Snow Sculpture Art Expo in Harbin, Heilongjiang province, December 22, 2015. Li Yi / Asianewsphoto
抢救幸存者 2015年12月23日,在深圳光明新区“12•20”滑坡事故救援现场,19岁的田泽明在被困67小时后被救援人员抬出洞口,成为首名获救的幸存者。 中国日报亚洲新闻图片网 李斌 摄影
The 19-year-old survivor is carried on a stretcher after being pulled out by rescuers more than 60 hours after a landslide hit an industrial park on Sunday, in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China, December 23, 2015. Li Bin/ Asianewsphoto
狂欢平安夜 2015年12月24日,湖南衡阳,人们参加圣诞夜狂欢庆祝活动。 中国日报亚洲新闻图片网 彭斌 摄影
People spray artificial snow during Christmas eve celebrations in Hengyang, Hunan province, December 24, 2015. Peng Bin/ Asianewsphoto
火化师职业技能赛 2015年12月27日,北京,遗体火化师在参加全国首届遗体火化师职业技能竞赛总决赛。中国日报记者 王壮飞 摄影
A technician participates in a cremation skills competition in Beijing, December 27, 2015. According to local media, 54 cremation technicians from all over China took part in the competition. Judges scored them on how accurately they performed according to the national standard of cremation procedure. Wang Zhuangfei/ Asianewsphoto
自制飞机 2015年12月27日,河南省内黄县,农民王兰群花了一年时间制作的外形酷似波音737 的“大型客机”。该“飞机”长约35米,加上机翼宽约38米,机舱内高约2米。据了解, “飞机”经过后期的完善和装修,将用于开设餐厅。 中国日报亚洲新闻图片网 刘肖坤
Villagers visit a home-made Boeing 737 look-alike at a crop field in Neihuang county, Henan province, December 27, 2015. Farmer Wang Lanqun spent a year making the 35-meter-long plane-shaped installation. With some further decoration, the "plane" will be later transformed into a restaurant, according to local media. Liu Xiaokun/ Asianewsphoto
节日盛装 2015年12月26日,广西壮族自治区三江侗族自治县,侗族姑娘身着节日盛装,欢庆“多耶节”。 中国日报亚洲新闻图片网 王滋创 摄影
Ethnic Dong children wearing traditional costumes attend Duoye Festival, in Sanjiang, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, December 26, 2015. Locals hold chorus and group dancing activities during the festival, according to local media. Wang Zhichuang/ Asianewsphoto
本期监制/徐京星 编辑/匡林华 颜晓晴 设计/魏晓昊